Back at church after the Pandemic

Finally, being back at church has made my family so happy and fulfilled

Noemi McElearney
Published in
3 min readApr 22, 2022


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

It’s been such a long time since we have been in person at church. During the pandemic, people I knew were really scared. I was too.

When schools shut down, church services, after-school activities, and all events, it really stressed me out. Everyone I knew was scared.

Fast forward almost two years later, we finally felt comfortable enough to go back to church. And it’s not even that we felt completely comfortable, it was that my family needed to go to church. We had been too long without going to service and we were all feeling frustrated. My children need to learn about the Lord, just as I did when I was a child.

I remember being in the kitchen, feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. Something in me was telling me, “you need to go back to church.” There’s nothing like spending time with the Lord with a congregation at least once a week. My oldest told me something, I can’t remember but I do remember thinking, “Oh my, she needs to get back to church.”

The backtalk was real! And also, my little one wasn’t listening to me either that day.

I knew at that exact moment, that it was time to go back to church and stop being afraid. Because fear will



Noemi McElearney

I’m a Veteran’s wife and a blessed mom of 2. I write because that’s what I love to do. God Bless ❤️🙏