Lessons God teaches you during moments of Motherhood

Noemi McElearney
5 min readSep 5, 2021
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Being a mom is tough. Trust me when I say, it’s the hardest job I have ever had.

When I first became a mother to my oldest, I was so nervous. Not only was I constantly googling any newborn question I had, but I also read up on the most popular newborn books. I wanted to know EVERYTHING there was to know about being a mom to a newborn.

I worried about being viewed as a good enough mom and was hard on myself. Judging myself was too easy and I wasn’t giving myself enough grace. I also let others give me too much advice and wasted my time and energy on that.

If I could, I’d go back in time and tell then-Noemi, Just ask God. Quit asking half the world for their answers, their opinions, their views, or their beliefs when it comes to your family.

I would tell myself, let God guide you and continue to guide you through your new journey of motherhood. Don’t let others influence you and quit seeking approval from those opinions that do not matter. Because God’s opinion matters the most, and what he thinks of you.

God teaches mothers how to be the most patient humans in the world.



Noemi McElearney

I’m a Veteran’s wife and a blessed mom of 2. I write because that’s what I love to do. God Bless ❤️🙏